30 Oct 2020


Orientalism: Not "an airy European fantasy about the orient but a created body of theory and practices".

Orientalism revolutionized the study of middle-east and helps to create and shape entire new fields of study such  post-colonial theory as well influencing disciplines as diverse as English, History, anthropology, political science and cultural studies. 

In any field when a concept is discussed, it will entail everything that is associated.

In Orientalism, Orientalist represents Orient(As their voices are suppressed, they're given voice by Orientalist). They aren't hidden in text, but exterior and so represented.

EDWARD SAID SAID: My interest in Orientalism began for two reasons(the immediate war between Arabs and Israel people in 1973 and disparity between what I experienced being an Arab and how is the representation of what I saw as art).

The former was already preceded by lot of images and discussions in the media in the popular press of how the arabs are coward, they don't know how to fight and those are going to be beaten as they aren't modern(misconceptions perceived by media and popular press). But when in October 1973, Egyptian army crossed the canal, all were surprised to see how they demonstrated that they can fight with anyone else and that was one immediate impulse.

How it is when you base everything on your perceptions, but suddenly when something unusual, unwanted came out you're disturbed from inside because you only want someone to be as you wanted.

An another interpretation can also be made here that in European's looking towards Orients as inferior, backward looking, static, based mere on their perceptions. It can be assumed as when they came to know that Orients are rich in artistic works and objects, while they don't possess such qualities, and only the manipulative political knowledge and some adopted manners of Europeans, so they can be entitled as superior and if the Orients are given some space and importance, they will be able to acquire their place in politics and which was sounded unusual and unwanted to seemingly European manipulative minds and so they were always speaking for arabs in derogatory and disparaging manner, with due aim to demoralize them.

In latter reason, Edward Said himself had tried to identify the representation of Orients in the form of artistic works by great artists Delacroix, Andy and Gerome and the novelists who wrote about the orient like Disraeli or Flaubert and he came to know the fact that those representations have very little to do with what he has as background of his life and this reason pushed him to write history again, in the form of Orientalism term(the Orients seen through Orientalism lens).

It can be concluded that one reason talks about misconceptions nurtured by media and popular press for arabs and then something unusual happened and another the difference between experience of being an arab and superficial representation of arabs/orients.

Aladdin and Arabic Nights: Artistic representation of Arabic World.

In repertory of Orientalism
In 1850s or 1860s let's say from London or Paris, if somebody wish to look, they would find very little chance to address that subject freely and in creative way
 A great deal of writing had gone before and this form of writing was in organised form, which Edward Said is considering organised form of Science and so it is called Orientalism.

Where it is said that there was a kind of repertory of images that kept on coming: A sensual woman, who is there to be sort of used by man, the East as a kind of mysterious place and full of monsters, "the marvel's of the East" was a phrase that was used that the more I looked the more I saw this was really quite consistent of itself. It has very little to do with poeple who had been there and even they had been there, there wasn't much modification. In other words you didn't get what you could call the realistic representations of the Orients either in Literature or in paintings or in music or in any kind of arts.

This was further extended by experts. But  one can't find any modification either in Edward William Lane's Modern Egyptians(produced in 1830s) or somebody writing in 1920s.

A great example of wonderful Gerard De Nerval french poet, who had been to the Orient on a voyage and Said was reading his book of travels in Syria, where he found that all Orients are the same assets, there develops a kind of image of Orients being timeless, unlike West, they can't develop. And this is a kind of problem with Orientalism that it creates an image outside the history, the image that is placid, still and eternal. Which is simply contradicted by the fact of History. In a sense you might say it is a creation of you might say for Europe an ideal other.

Orientalism can be seen as giving life to something which is dull and dead(seen by Europeans) decorating with different associated colours(which can be seen through gaps) creating a theory an a new extension to Orients.

The whole history of Orientalism portrays muslims, as lesser breed, they only think they understand the language of forest(the language of force) they won't understand anything unless you give them bloody nose.

Though they had produced many artistic works, but still considered as violent and fanatic.

One other aspect was also seen that they were static and placid like people, that they were intolerable of others' cultures' involvement.

So Edward Said is saying lastly by mingling his argument with Antonio Gramsci that "If they had seen their very relation with others, it wouldn't have happened". But it isn't still clear if the reason was this, there may be many reasons..      

Artistic painting, architecture and arts with which Arab people were brimming with full. But as it is mentioned in the Video that as they were placid, static(not ready to change) they hadn't even tried to compile their own history.

The Oklahoma is considered one of the largest centers outside middle east. This incident is connected with Edward Said, he said when I was delivering lectures in Canada, after half an hour of an event occurred in the afternoon, my office was inundated with phone calls. I rang phone to my office from Canada to ask if any news need my attention and lady(she told) there are 'Twenty Five' phone calls from major networks, major cables, magazines, news etc and they wanted to talk to you.

The matter was: "somebody has volunteered the instant commentators" that the bombing style on Oklahama, seems to be from middleeast terrorism territory and there were the couple of people around right after the bombing and seen after the bombing.

This seems to be mere assumption based. As any information for endorsement need to be supported by others, and when it is supported, the poeple keep on multiplying and then in satiric manner it will become 'Jihad' similarly can be seen in this incident(the volunteer supported the instant commentators).

As per (CBS NEWS)which was known for 'Islamic Radical Activities'. 

For which three poeple from middle east terrorism country, were held responsible(narration of media).

The same thing we had experienced during lockdown that through media many fake news were circulated and as a result a number of atrocities had taken place in India during pandemic/epidemic times.

Said himself belongs to Palestine but when it was taken over by Israelits in 1948, the question of existence was aroused and as a result Said with his family was exiled from the territory. In aftermath the questions of peace, just and reconciliation were raised and differences were considered as destruction and destroyer.

Said ultimately said that orient(individual) can't remain individual in isolation but he/she can see himself/herself in relation with others, to transform yourself, without suppressing the differences(a strong attachment but then practical detachment).

We have deposition of history. History of our family, community, various experiences, various mind impressions etc. Which remains collectively in our unconscious mind. Same as this if we see this idea in a person, then from his/her death to his/her birth to know the person/history we have to start from the end and this very end will lead us to beginning.                  
This second idea, it can be inferred that the history must be recorded in documentary form, so it will remain useful to the present living people as well as those who are tracing for historical footprints.

The major conflict between Palestinians and Israelits was the land and this is how their history is considered.

Three Major Religions: Question of Living Together



The question was how to live together without coercion among many differences. For which Plaestinians said that we know we would be asked to pay the price for Jews in Europe under holocaust which is entirely based on the catastrophe between Christian and Europe, where Arabs played no part and we're dispossessed and displaced by the victims, we have become victims of the victims.

 "poeple will allege, where the soil is boggy, while the other part, where we know if even we will throw stone it will bounce back, noone will attempt to do so".

Someone as "I" is addressing that not all of us but "I say" that they should be thrown out "Until and unless one isn't confronting the situation, one won't be able to come out". The vision was to live  together with many complexities,  concerning major three religions, with creativity and invention in polity, vision which will replace authoritarian and hierarchical models but the idea we should protect ourselves from infiltration of others(infections of other) is the most dangerous idea unless we found any way or short cut to do it. As a result it will invite wholesale violence of a sort represented by Gulf war, by the killings in Bosnia, the Rwandian massacre and so on.

Hence it seems that until and unless, you're not pushed into water, you won't learn how to come out and so it is that though Orientalism presents two different identities; orients and occidents but gradually when the very concept is merging into one, by different ideas represented by the writers regarding the misconceptions of Orients, it is breaking all norms and giving an extracted idea, a free vent for further elaboration and discussion and where the idea "Orientalism after Orientalism" reflects.

Thank you

                          Works Cited
Tap on above image to access the resourceful original blog.

  • Said, Edward., "Interview: Orientalism", Assistant Editor Jeremy Smith, Executive director & producer, Sut Jhally University of Massachusetts-Amherst.

  • Video: Conflict in Israel and Palestine.


25 Oct 2020


To The Lighthouse: Mythical Patterns

To the Lighthouse-Virginia Woolf, Virginia Woolf had tried to apply threefold primordial Goddess; Zeus: mother(Rhea), wife(Demeter) and daughter(Persephone) in this respective novel. Where we will see how 'Mrs. Ramsay' like character is constituting this trilogy of myth characteristics, if she has any influence from other writers or not, is there Christian influence or not and what are those influences under which her mind is working.

For which Joseph L. Burton has given two assertions;  "Virginia Woolf used myths as basis for her creation"  or "Unaware of It, It welled up out of her subconscious layers of her psyche, which resided as a forgotten material as an archetypal pattern or fragment of the collective or unconscious racial". According to him the latter one seems to be unsound, while the former one leads to dilemma and it can be utilized for fruitful criticism or sound scholarship.

If we see this myth in context of Virginia Woolf's: To The Lighthouse novel, then we're suppose to see MRS. RAMSAY as representing three personalities altogether; Persephone(radiant maiden of the spring and the summertime), Demeter(goddess of the harvest wealth) and Rhea. Mrs. Ramsay is being crystallized as a concept of ideal woman. Who is fruitful like Demeter, for her as well as becoming Halloween for the field of grain. As Demeter symbolizes fruitfulness, so Mrs. Ramsay symbols of fruitfulness cluster around Mrs. Ramsay. She plants flower and seeds that they are tended(In this respective novel, Mrs. Ramsay is known for shaping her daughters mind, to get marry, become an ideal couple and always one must believe in window like life{Here window suggests sexual perversion kind of life}). 

Throughout the novel we see green shawl covering her shoulders(green colour symbolises abundance and affluent). While on the contrary she is becoming obsessive, concerning repairment of her green house, which is intended specifically for preservation. From the same novel, we may have example of the refrigerator in the catalogue, named "army and navy". Which also symbolises the same things in alike manner.

"As we see here 'the very idea of preservation' seems to be old. As when generally something is preserved, it is becoming another day stale, and usually we don't like something, when it is stale. For food also, we always prefer to have fresh food. If anything preserved for more than one day, then it is getting decomposed, sticking, arduous and lastly turning into remnants."

She is Rhea(oldest of the Gods, the child of Gauea mother Earth and Oaranous, father heaven)who is the mother of Zeus(James in To The Lighthouse). Who knows that as James's father have denied James not to go to the lighthouse, it will inflict a negative impression on James's mind and he will become certain about they're not going lighthouse tomorrow" and requests Mr. Ramsay to modify his pronouncement and talk with him in digestive language, which a child can understand. But she is disappointed.

"Which in the visionary aspect, becomes contradictory. James wish of going to the lighthouse is fulfilled, all grudges from his father's side are rendered and given acceleration of a new beginning".

As everyone's life is indefinite, noone knows, what is going to happen next but in hope one lives, and when mistakenly what is mistook once is getting clear, the life is becoming easy to live.

Persephone(considered as radical maiden of spring and the summertime). But Persephone knew how beauty is brief; leaves, flowers, fruits, all the fair growth of the earth, must end with the coming of the cold and pass like herself into the power of the death.

"It directly symbolizes that life is full of struggles, beauty retains only for while, who knows what seems to be green, affluent and blooming, would turn into deadened black, scarcity, dryness and barrenness and life aptly goes with struggles. If one think that one is going to have the flowery bed, one will have but the nature of the struggle may differ and it is constant strivance to maintain oneself in quality life and so persephone has also connection with sorrow(as it depicts the very reality of life, rather than illusion)".

In mentioned article it is said that though it is presenting primordial images, which we can only assume by her diary that she knows Greek and had she not read Jung, Freud and Frazer before 1927, she would have been knowing from the members of the bloomsbury group as we see in this novel. An another assumption also can be made that it is coming from subconscious of her psyche and as she said: what interests me at the last stage, was the freedom and boldness, with which my imagination picked up, used and tossed all images aside, which I had prepared. Though these images are in part and in fragment, but their symbolic representation is something which is conveying the meaning in whole and explicitly, considering both; symbol and its referent.

"For Example: The Character of Mrs. Ramsay, which is condensed to goodness, where we see the goodness as whole and all the sub characteristics, constitutes it and gives it meaning and makes it whole".

Besides these we also see the influence of Christianity, but it is said that by believing in agnosticism, Mrs. Ramsay rejects the very concept of Christianity.

Therefore Mrs. Ramsay is connected with Rhea, Demeter as well as Persephone in subsequent manner.

Works Cited

Blotner, Joseph, L., "To the Lighthouse: Mythical Patterns", published by MLA, Vol.74, No.4, Sep., 1956.

22 Oct 2020


 With the advent of English Language in India(1858, when British Power was consolidated in India) the question of its role and status was already there, along with it how to learn and make learners learn the language were also as  questions raised further and how a teacher should impart the information so they may be able to learn swiftly, organically, adaptfully, acquisitly on their own pace. Where there were many ways to learn a language, the barriers were also surfacing there, and in below mentioned hypothesis, researchers have mentioned the hurdles in language, how it can be acquired and if still not what are the ways that one can try.

Learners characteristics can be seen in two types of researches

                                                                   - By Stephen Kraschen

Product Oriented Research(Dulay and Burt 1973-1974, the principle architect of the morpheme ordered studies)

"The principle aim was to determine, whether there is the natural sequence in the order in which L2 learners acquire the grammar of the target language".

Dulay and Burt(1973-1974) the principle architects of 'Morpheme Order Studies' found that like their L1 counterparts, children acquiring an L2 appeared to follow a predetermined order which couldn't be accounted for in terms of the frequency with which learners heard the language items.

As L2 is associated with learning though through natural acquisition but the L1 phase is pre-mature phase for any learner acquiring first language, while L2 is mature phase, where a learner has to adapt as per the situation as per the frequency of the speaker's speech and demand of the time.

 Children from different L1 backgrounds, subsequently belonging to Spain and China, acquired a number of morpheme in virtually the same order but it isn't so. The hypothesis is "L2 acquisition equals to L1 acquisition" but it doesn't work in predicted manner, while it may have different types of goofs as we discussed above.

As a result, it was concluded that a learner learning L2 language, might have influence of L1 language acquisition as the learning nature, tendency and the manner of acquiring grammar, would be casting a glimpse in L2 language learning and so It may happen that the very process of acquiring L2 language, would be errorful therefore a product full of fissures. While Dulay and Brut rejected this hypothesis and put forward their own(discussed in above para.) but ultimately it also similarises the unsaid prediction of the prior one.

Thus in this research we saw, how it is product oriented, that studies the natural sequence of order, utilized to acquire the language, how the morphemes acquired by the children, totally from different background, similarises and how predetermination L1 language affects the learning of L2 langauge and how the hypothesis is "L2 acquisition equals L1 acquisition" and how it can be elaborated with one or two points.

Process Oriented Research

A growing body of research considers learning processes, exploring the kinds of classroom tasks that appear to facilitate SLA.

Click here(Folow Instructions to access the content: click on the blog to view>under five essays on the role of English Language in India>Onilne Classroom Reflective Tasks) to access the activities, conducted in virtual classroom.

Brief Experience 

As we were part of aforementioned activities(tap on blue coloured, click here button) we imagined what I wasn't used to imagine, it was in use priorly but not since long, so we may say it was in our unconscious mind(chemical synapses) which came out as it was called through (electric synapses) and the variant activities were carried over and successfully finished in rightful manner.

Process Oriented Research

As this research also focuses on procedures and activities which learners perform in relation to the input data. This is specifically focusing on learner-learner interaction(two-way tasks) where group discussion had unique information to contribute, stimulated significantly, more modified interactions than one way tasks(in which one member of the group possessed all the relevant information). One is group oriented another is an individual oriented. 

Similarly Doughty and Pica(1986) found that required information exchange tasks generated significantly more modified interaction than tasks where exchange of information was optional.

The term 'modified interaction' refers to the instances of interactions where the speakers alters the form, in which his/her language is encoded. Modification prompted is due to the lack of comprehension from listener's side.

Therefore the hypothesis is put forward that "language comprehension is a necessary and sufficient condition of SLA".

E. G.

Acquisition occurs when learners understand the message in  target language.

While Long(1985) advanced the following arguments in favor of tasks. Which promote conversational, adjustments or interactional modification on the part of the learner.

For Example

A= Linguistic/Conversational adjustment.

B= Comprehensible Input. 

C= acquisition.

Where 'a' and 'b' are at work as promotional and the last as a deduced/satisfactory evidence of conversation.

Thus Process Oriented Research emphasised on task based activities, procedures and their impact on acquisition, group and individual communication, modified interaction and lastly through conversation, comprehension based acquisition, to which Stephen Krashen has given more weightage for meaningful communication.

Teachers Charactersistics in context of SLA

If we see generally then teacher is a personality, who carries a responsibility on his/her shoulder for making the nation and the society better, so he/she can live with betterment as others will also have a good space to live in(Kant says: One should make the world more of a home, regarding with epistemology that comprises Mathematics, Science, Experience(perceivence),  faith based knowledge).

Teachers prime duty is student centered. Where one has to motivate the student, make him/her learn, teach him/her behavioural patterns, has to make him/her good citizen of the country, shape his/her personality, train him/her in rightful manner, so he/she rather than damaging society, sprout it with blooming flowers. 

Which a teacher carries through assigning various tasks, which generate collaborative learning environment, which enables a student to learn from another student, interactive based learning, where a student can learn how to interact in what manner, with what tendency(that is also based as discussed in process oriented research on group discussion) and in alike manner many tasks as such are carried upon.

Thus these and additional to these many characteristics are there for teachers, as per the requirement and as per the need of a learner it can be modified and other characteristics can be invented.

Works Cited/References

Kraschen, Stephen., "Learners Characteristics: Product Oriented Research & Process Oriented Research".

Teachers Characteristics: "Experience Based".

18 Oct 2020


Edgar Allan Poe( January 19, 1809-October 7, 1849) was born in Boston Massachusetts. He was an American short story writer, best known for macabre and mystery kind of tales and inventor of detective stories.He had also contributed his part in Scientific fiction, known as sci-fi. He was the only American writer, who earned bread from his writing short fiction.

Due to financial crisis, he only attended Semester-1 at university of Virginia and was taken by John and Frances Allan, but never adopted formally and his publishing career commenced modestly with an anonymous collection of poems, 'Tamerlane and other poems'(1827) credited only to a Bostanian.

Short Stories

The Black Cat: The protagonist at first is the lover of the animals but in aftermath due to his own superstitions and perversary it changes into hatred. As a result, his wife and cat is murdered by his own hands. As the guilt is still nurturing in his heart, when he buys another cat, he sees in it the same cat, which was murdered by him. In bizarre state of mind, he kills it also and eventually his sins are exposed.

The Cask on Amontillado: Is a revenge story. Where Montresor takes revenge from Fortunato, as he had once insulted him. With the help of Amontiallado, Montresor, lures Fortunato into the catacombs and buries him alive.

The Raven 

The Penn(Stylus/Journal)

The Tell Tale Story

The Fall of the House of Usher 

The Golden Bug

And many more...

A contemplation to psychological sorted out questions..

[Assigned as pre-task]

01. Recollect a moment of your life when you were at the height of ferocity (anger) on someone with/without some specific reason. What did you feel like speaking to or doing with that person?

Ans: It happens many a times with a person and as we're humanbeings and as it is one of the basic primitive instincts, it keeps on surfacing on and often. When it happens with me, I'm keeping mum and trying to look into and ponder upon my own actions. If found any mistake from my side, rectifying it and if it is something from external influences, then trying to evade and ignore.

02. Have you ever felt tremendous drive to hit or murder someone? When? Why? How? Elucidate.
Ans: For this I would like to say, that I haven't ever given any emotion, stimulation at such extremity and as it isn't handled in this manner, I wouldn't have ever  think murdering anyone.

03. Have you ever felt like committing suicide? Was it just a passing thought or you were serious? What propelled you to think so? Describe your experience (although momentary) of suicidal tendency.

Ans: I haven't ever think as such. Life is the gift of God, why one should destroy it!

04. Write about the scariest of your dreams. Have you ever cried or screamed by a bizarre and horrible nightmare? Elaborate.
Ans: No, It hasn't happened yet and I pray to God, It shouldn't happen with me or anyone else.

05. Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever undergone any experience of supernatural elements? Explain.
Ans: No I haven't seen any ghost in my real life or experienced any supernatural things. But yes I like the most to watch and read supernatural kind of stories.

As recent this incident came into light that "a French school teacher named, Samuel Paget" is beheaded by a fanatic Islamic terrorist as he was teaching critical thinking to his students.

It doesn't seem to be fanatic but may be the person who killed, knowing about what is critical thinking and how is the person, possessing the critical mind. It is easy to make people dumb, when they're lacking such ability of thinking and emotional conditioning of mind is made possible, as it was the case, the person wants to prevent the teacher from imparting the knowledge of what is critical thinking.

If one is fighting with one, when one is equally powerful then one can consider its authenticity and equivalency. But if it isn't then how one is to evaluate. Though we had heard and we're told that such insignifical and foolish sins are eradicated from the society with the help of such eminent social pioneers, but the matter doesn't seem so. It is something very different. Still in such corners, where humanity can't reach such cruel incidents are happening. If the person is rightly educated then one can make him/her understand but when it isn't so, the mind only a form of dry rock, where even though we try to pour water, it will soak, but won't double its quantity.
So it happens that one segment of society remains humane and other inhumane. As the matter says, it is required and necessary to take some appropriate steps so the people of every sects get rightly educated in rightful manner.
It seems as the act of emotionality. When the very roots are weak and boggy, how a flower will blossom. "What you show, so shall you reap". Already a creator of a life, is committing something unpleasant in front of his own other part. Though his father isn't having blood relation with his mother, but he has. If his father is emotional, he equally is emotionale, and in extreme emotionality stabbed his father. It happens..
The second news of how a young married boy committed suicide, due to his in-laws frequent threats to release his wife from marital bondage.

Works Cited
Mehta, Jay., "An introduction: Passion, Perversity and Poe", Sunday, September16, 2018.

15 Oct 2020


As the Indian history says, with the advent of Britishers in India, the English language was introduced and it was made the language of economic, finance and trade. As the time passed and India gain independence, the question of status for English language was aroused, which seeks redefinition and the  prime objective for this particular language.


In response to this we're having at our disposal 'five essays' regarding to Elt-1 (Unit-1:MA{English}part-2).

1. Rekha Aslam: Socio-Cultural dynamics in ELT as SLT.

2. Shivendra Kumar: Focus on Objectives in ELT as SLT.

3. Kapil Kapoor: Teaching English as Second Language in India.

4. Teaching of EST in Indian Conditions- R. S. Sharma.

5. Teaching of English: A Plea for Practical Attitude-R. K. Singh.

[Main Task on ELT Online Classroom Reflective Activity]

Sentence Translation

{આવરે  વરસાદ ઘેબરિયો વરસાદ ઊની ઊની રોટલી ને કરેલા નું શાક.}

Its literal translation would be somewhat: Do come, ghebariyo rain so we may have hot chapati and bitter gourd combination for food.

O rain! With your arrival, we're served with hot and warm delicacies.

{માડી તારુ કંકુ ખર્યુ ને સૂરજ ઉગ્યો.}

Your bliss and we blessed!

If we see its literal translation then kanku(red colour) symbol of marriage in Hindu religion and some other, but not so prevalent as in this religion.

An anointed woman/lady is there, whose husband is a curse on him, and as the woman's luck worked, fortunately he died.

So it said: The sun has risen as your sindur vanished away.

Learning Experiencing

હું સવારે વહેલા ન્યૂઝ પેપર વાંચુ છુ.

I read newspaper early in the                         morning.

[Selecting Profession(Register: Subregister]


  1. Wise and Musive Mind
  2. Pen 
  3. Paper
  4. Reading
  5. Experience
  6. Critical skills
  7. Creativity Skills
  8. Analytical thinking Skills
  9. Problem Solving Skills
  10. Reflective Thinking Skills

[Introducing an English Word to higher education students]

I have selected a word, "learning" that I'm going to introduce to the learners, belonging to higher educational studies.

For which I will adopt an 'experimentative method' of manipulating a variable that is independent, to see what are the learners capabilities and abilities to grasp the knowledge and in what extent they can absorb it.

Obviously the results may vary at this stage and if I'm finding one or two group as weak or of average type, then I have to consult an extraneous variable, so it can have a touch of rapport and relationship with the rest part of students and in this manner the capacity and ability of learning can be developed in positive manner, though it may take sometime.

Extraneous variable is the type of variable, which works as a mediator or a supporter to an independent variable. The dependant variable is already affected and these are studied by the teacher.

As per the need, I will adapt several other methods, to get my students learn properly.

All these outcomes, I will produce in front of them(the thing is already recorded in their mind).

Through self-reflection they will come to know, which learning method is feasible, transperant, flexible, adaptable and they will accordingly adapt.

[Presenting a lesson(Considerning Planning and Objectives)]

The Study of Lily Briscoe and Mrs. Ramsay

    [Students of Higher Education field]

Planning: As a teacher, I know my students' ability and capability. Accordingly I will prepare a lesson plan and introduce it in front of them. 

As learning capability and capacity, differ from person to person, I will prefer a variety of ways to make them learn.

For Example

Provide them outline of the concept/a simplified material/a brief introduction to the characters and characteristics. So that they may get the concept clear and the idea what they're suppose to do.

While further improvisation is also possible, regarding planning the lesson, considering learners capability and ability in mind.

Objectives: By assigning them quiz and thinking activity, I will check their understanding and grasping power of making feasible a lesson and in this manner, I will come to know, what are the outcomes and now on which area I need to work further considering learners.

Thus in this way we were suppose to carry simultaneous tasks one after another.  Which helped us to understand our capability, ability and to hone our skills further.

Reflections on these activities

When about to carry all these tasks, these weren't seeming to be difficult as these very tasks are based on common sense, apt application of commonsense will lead to better performance. Yes it happens somewhere, when we're having many choices from which we have to select only one but unable to, at that times, it founds to be difficult else it won't be so difficult.

In likewise manner, these four reflective online classroom activities were carried on, and we enjoyed doing it in rightful manner.

[Additional Tasks]

Role of English in India: With reference to Kapil Kapoor's "Essay on Teaching English as Second Language in India". In this context, the English langauge can be seen in larger historical, social and political structure. Considering the movements, happened prior to 'Independance of India' , questions for English language status aroused and it was aptly utilized by "the privileged ruling class people" rather than others in majority. Thus it happened, the English language was considered as superior(language of finance and trade) while the indian languages/Hindi(regional, language of union or some states) considered as inferior. It also caused rooltlessness from Sanskrit(classical language) for youth in India.

As a result some measures regarding English language in India were taken so that all the people in India, disregard of their status, position and culture will get benefitted from this very language and the determination  was taken into consideration, to redefine the role and goals of English language in India.

For which three parameters                     were considered

Internationalization and modernization of English language(language of unity)and Indian languages were considered as anti-modern, traditional and backward looking(languages of conflict).

Many rules in accordance to English language were formulated and as a result a myth was created. According to which, Hindi language was given the status of "associate langauge" while English language  status of "an official language".

[Language Policy]
As a result, English language wasn't suited with any region so it was given the status of "pan Indian language" that would promote national integration not fissiparous and divisive tendencies as Indian languages were considered to.

{We have total five essays for discussion in this particular unit, which will get updated soon}.

With reference to this particular essay, if I am suppose to share my opinion then I would say that the question of English language status will obviously arouse and people are always behind such things, which seems to be progressing looking forward rather than looking back. As usual here happened those who were belonging to 'ruling class' and affiliated with grave politics, understood the matrix well and grabbed the opportunity and the people who were unable to see or can be said(who were illiterate or unable to recognize) didn't see in that way, so the ruling class people, took advantage of it and declared its unprecedented hazardous perpetuation. 

It may be inappropriate to consider 'English Language' as a cause for rootlessness from classical language called 'Sanskrit' as it seems to be mere assumption, rather than producing any solid proof for being so.

Yes for Hindi language, it seems to be intentional and attraction towards legal, financial and economy language,  as non-hindi regions also adapted the English language for administration.

As we see today that more poeple speak and prefer to speak and learn English language rather than any other language because it is something which is contributing to their professional development and a means  to gain financial stability. So people are just thrusting to gain advantage in this particular field but not understanding that we're not here only to boast over the language, but it is such a langauge, whose repercussions should get reflected globally and they have to work to that extent rather than considering only one particular area and so it is called the language of science and technology too.

As an English Learner Faced challenges: The adaptability towards any foreign language seeks flexibility, amiability and appropriate participation. We must have specific attitude towards learning, self-humiliation is necessary, if we think we know everything and give ourselves due importance for a particular insignificant thing, the learning won't get suffice, rather will get stuck and therefore puzzled in between. Your attitude towards learning will make difference in gaining adequate learning outcomes rather than anythingelse.

The future with English Language: Of course as it is English language, the future will be very bright. It is said: "What you sow, so shall you reap". The amount of contribution to this specific language, will determine your future with this very language. Thus it is unpredictable, a potter will only make, what he is used to or any person affiliated with any profession. Likewise can be seen with this language.
In this manner we have seen three more additional tasks to this particular unit.

[Works Cited]

Unit-1: Classes on English language in India- Vaidehi Ma'am.

Hariyani, Vaidehi., "The Role of English in India: Five essays on Elt", 29 July 2019.

13 Oct 2020


The main difference between the novel and movie screening of "to the lighthouse" is; in novel the novelist(Virginia Woolf has used Stream of consciousness technique) while in movie adaptation, it isn't there, except some few scenes, where one has to observe minutely.

Adapted by Hugh Stoddart, directed by Colin Gregg and produced by Allan Shallcross.

In this image Charles Stanley is becoming bitter about his past and vomiting out.
Where Nancy is worrying for herself and guessing that "Prue will be happier for a while" but what "after a while".

As in Indian philosophy, there are some perceived prototypes for a woman that she should be intelligent, loving unconditionally, she should be like rambha(in romance), loyal, she must be dedicated though she is humiliated, she should be respecting, understanding her husband, encouraging and giving him comfort(specifically in bed).

While with Caroline Ramsay the case is different, she is an English wife.
Nancy's expression indicates, that she must be visualizing her father's image in Charles Tansley's character . As their father is treating them authoritatively now and then, Charles is going to go ahead with this tradition.

Though she occasionally appears in the novel, but her views and Lily Briscoe's point of views similarises in many things.
Mr. Ramsay is possessing such type of 'always crying personality' or can be said unconsciously, he is doing so, to make his ego pamper from Mrs. Caroline Ramsay.
So he is saying: Today also I didn't acheive anything and in its reply Mrs. Caroline is consoling that he is having good reputation and high numbers of admirers around him, more than this what he wants(a reference to Indian Philosophy).
But it seems as unconsciously in her mind the notion of 'remembrance after death' is taking shape.

The idea is to make people "dependant" rather than "independant".

[In visionary aspect] if we see , what is shown to the readers, isn't the case, but the real picture is something different.

When the novel starts with "lighthouse" and James shows his willingness to visit the lighthouse, he is responded in excusing manner by Mrs. Ramsay that..

"If it is fine tomorrow, we will go and you have to get up with lark(early in the morning)".
"I will ask your father".

When reader reads, readers feel that Father is possessing an authoritative personality, but it isn't so. It is Mrs. Ramsay, who wants Mr. Ramsay to be an impression of villainous among his own children, in likewise manner she prevents integration of the entire family and so we see differences in each and every family members point of views.

At the end of the film we apparently see a contradictory situation. Where the walls created by Mrs. Ramsay, have been melted down and Mr. Ramsay and the family members came to realization that these modest and sympathetic walls didn't contribute in welfare of people but it deteriorate everything for the passage of time.

It seems as she is intentionally attempting to become good among people, while the case isn't so. She is rather trying to create contradiction between herself and himself. 
So she seems to be a poor English housewife rather than a complicated lady/woman. While Mr. Ramsay emerges out as an authoritative personality.
As the character of Mrs. Ramsay seems to be a mouthpiece of Virginia Woolf and as the entire novel revolves around her and her life. Though the novel is based on two idealisms; societal as well as individualism. The former one is more emphasized here.
In this context, the image can be read as a baby doll and boy doll are put in the corner, where at some distance a candle is kept, which suggests enlightenment/spirituality.
In contrast, if we read the same thing, what it conveys: as it is separated from the male part, it is becoming dead or without male, a female part shouldn't think of existence.
This also suggests 'interdependancy'.
In last part of the novel, as Lily Briscoe says: 'It was done; it was finished. Yes, she said laying down her brush in extreme fatigue'.


Interpreting the entire stanza, it elaborates that Lily has come to realization and she finds doing painting also exhaustive and devoid of meaning and perhaps experiencing hollowness and emptiness, by being tired of the routine life, though following individualistic approach.

Mr. Ramsay's authoritative personality is reflected as he throws dinner dish on the floor and gets up from the dining table. When in response Nancy is blaming her mother for defending her father, she is as usual forced to keep mum by her mother. 
Similarly we see many incidents, where Mrs. Ramsay is suppressed. If it is to repair summer house or dealing with her little boy, "James"
(By being a little boy, one expects that he/she should be treated likewise, and there isn't any crime in seeking what is needed, similarly James craving for, but he was thrushed to bed, to go to sleep).

Thus in 'frame studies' the long shot and close up scenes are highlighted appropriately. The balancing of the tone, rhythm, vibration, frequency is adequately maintained in the film and along with this the major highlighted theme is Victorianism Vs Modernism.

[To the Lighthouse: Reading Philosophy]

By connecting Shakespeare's name with Philosophy, where 'fame' like concept is at the center. When looked from the mountain top down the long wastes of the ages? To reach the zenith a person had travelled a lot, rather wasn't getting asleep in fear of if he is sleeping and won't be able to awaken then.

Fame is something: "The very stone one kills with one's boot will outlast Shakespeare".

So he at times pricks his feet, to check if he is alive or not and such people, who have indulged themselves into doom expedition to gain fame, are now living on sympathy, whiskey and wants someone to talk for his suffering ultimately just waiting for death.
Likewise it is asked that "how long the fame will last; two thousand years?" And what are two thousand years?

[India Passing Reference]
In context of this novel, India is used in factual manner. In this respective reference, it is said: that she will ask young men to stay, arranges lodge for them, she do so to gain favours for his husband. Those were addressed by  Mr. Ramsay as "exceptionally able" and "church mices{indicates slavery in India}) who are extremely obedient, can be moulded and wroughted in one's favouring manner. While this is the source that is providing Mr. Ramsay his bread for living.

Click here:(For) The Mythical Patterns.
Click here:(For) Fluidity and Masculinity.

Thus considering all references put in this novel; the fame that is useful at times, but temporary and futile an example with reference to Shakespeare is given. India portrayed as an exotic land of romance, adventure, happiness, land of jewelry, land to be desired to visit, land of slavery.

    [Works Cited]
  • WOOLF, Virginia., "Modernist Novel-To the lighthouse", 5 May 1927.
  • Blotner, Joseph L. “Mythic Patterns in to the Lighthouse.” PMLA, vol. 71, no. 4, 1956, pp. 547–562. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/460631. Accessed 28 Nov. 2020.
  • Viola, André. “Fluidity versus Muscularity: Lily's Dilemma in Woolf's ‘To the Lighthouse.’” Journal of Modern Literature, vol. 24, no. 2, 2000, pp. 271–289. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/3831911. Accessed 28 Nov. 2020.
Adopted References
Reference of Shakespeare.
Reference of India.
Reference of Philosophy(A-Q and Q-R).
  • Stoddard, Hugh and Gregg, Collin., "Film Adaptation: To the lighthouse", produced by Allan, 23March 1983.
  • Pederson, Glenn., "To the lighthouse: The Vision".


11 Oct 2020


 Rivers and Tides working with time with spiritual aspect of life, a film by Andy Goldsworthy, directed by Thomas Reidelsheimer, screened in 2001 and 2003(with sound), It also won Golden Gate Grand Prize for the best documentary at San Fransisco international film festival in the latter year.To watch original videos and the blog, click on the above image.

It was first appeared in 2001, but without sound, the above mentioned version of film is, with sound.

From nature to human, everything seems to be similar; in terms of its nature, functioning, constructing, destructing, struggling to find existence and in the process, something new is generated. Which is never occurred in mind or thought of. As a result one encounters with interdependancy like concepts and try to place faith in.

As it is always happening in human life, that one needs some renewal and newness or a particular change in life, when a life for a long time goes on in regular manner. When it happens with nature, it takes its own stand and all changes take place through a specific procedure, associate to a particular natural event/calamities.

                            [FOR EXAMPLE]

Earthquake: Happens with specific frequency and ends with certain magnitude, from place to place its frequency differs in motion.

Volcano Eruption: It is also based on cause and effect like nature. With the internal ongoing process, that convulsed, attracting and then separating and inevitably outbursting into a new form and a new landscape is generated.

Likewise whirlpool(takes place in water) flood(due to change in weather and river or any form of reservoir)etc.

The same thing can be seen in human's context.

The Old man and the Sea

To realise his existence, Santiago has to go forward to catch the fish, though not able to catch till 84days, but after it is becoming possible. Therefore by striving for his survival, he is getting something, which is actually unimaginable, eventually loosing the pride and hope, but never getting disappointed from life.

Says: "A man can be defeated, but never be destroyed".

To the Light house

Mrs. Caroline Ramsay realise her won existence, through helping her children and shaping their minds and if one can see, unconsciously, it seems to be her cherishing desire, to be known posthumously by the people.

The Wasteland

Cause effect(Sexual perversion &spiritual degradation). Each thing is interwoven and interdependant on each other.

Thus the process is naturally based on interdependancy, either if it is for human or nature.

Brief Introduction to the Original Source

In the original documentary, it is said that "the piece of the work of art should be such, no need to put in museum".

Elaboratively, it can be created, enjoyed, scattered through unimaginable forms and then destroyed. It isn't literally destroyed but found a new plane/world to get in, where it will become more than what it is at present.

For which one may have

Andy Goldsworthy-Documentary: Rivers and Tides

Create something, which doesn't require to put in the museum. The medium that has made it, will destruct it.

Generally one can make a piece of art from anything, what is at hand. The Scottish sculptor has used Icicle, Driftwood, Green iris blade, iron oxide chalk, stone powder and its pieces, Sheep's raw wool(fur), 

Who says: "Art is the form of nourishment".

 I would like to add something more, it isn't only medium for nourishment, but also responsible to generate newness in  human personality. Which is something that takes human passion, involvement and interest of doing something new, with adequate empathy and sensitivity.

Likewise is done by the Scottish Sculptor, named Andy Goldsworthy in the respective film. Where he has emphasised on: "the creation is always destroyed". But not in explicit manner as mentioned above.


A Driftwood Igloo

Which seems to be protected through various emerged pointed rusty walls, but as the water flows increase, the igloo drops just with a touch of forceful water and is pacing forward with careful steps, though taken care of, the all abided sticks start scattering at unwanted locations but the sculptor philosophies, if it isn't destroyed and sent to an another world, where it will have more scopes of widening its legs than here..

Stone Sheets arrangement

One is required in this creation to arrange, each and every stones appropriately. The gaps, wrongly adjusted with the help of stone or if inadequately tried to fill the gap, the entire structure will crumble down and we have seen in one of the parts of Andy Goldsworthy's Rivers and Tides film.

Insight and the creative mind is must in anything, which can see best in the waste.

[For example]A string of icicle

It is formed naturally in ringed shape, but at 42-45 angle a piece is missing, the sculptor gets from surroundings the piece and trimming it to the extent, so that it can be situated flexibly in the missing part and it can form the whole ring.

While it is also going to be destroyed as he also indicates the rising sun.


It seems that the nature is providing substance, to build a human personality and it is upto a human how he/she is shaping himself/herself. Nature varies from atmosphere to atmosphere, environment to environment, culture to culture, experience to experience, surroundings to surroundings. If one wants to know the person, he/she only requires to know his/her background, nothingelse. Yes it may happen sometime that when a person is put into/forced to live in such atmosphere, and the very source is the person's preferrence for another person(he/she isn't willing to confine to that atmosphere) then the results are unpredictable. One must hope as such shouldn't happen.

We're not concerned with this aspect of life here. If seeing the very sculptor in the film, he is surrounded with all the natural resources and where he has to see, if he is to create this destroy this and he is creating, unconcerned of if it is going to give anything in return or not and seems to be free minded, unbiased and possess a tremendous faith, which serves the idea of universal humanity's well being.

As it is said: "Creation requires deletion/destruction, then rehabilition and recreation happens".

It isn't literally a destruction, as it seems to be. But a destruction, rebuilding in a new form and representing itself. Likewise the process keep on recurring.

It also suggests that creation, learning, observing, experiencing things are going to be endless, unprecedented, only a humanbeing has to see, how he/she can see, with which point of view and how he/she can utilize for his/her and altogether for the universal welfare and what she/he is suppose to do is, one has to forget, what one has done, after doing.

If we see the very last aspect, this kind of approach is only sustainable and resistible in nature. While in practical approach of life, one has to see, experience and has to improvise as per the nature, he/she is suppose to confront. Because it doesn't work everytime as expected, sometimes it may be mutilated, distorted or labeled as someone else's which actually can't be  digested and gulped down, if it is done, it will have haphazardous and unimaginable effects.

Some of the descriptions, I have given but for others imagery, the image of thin fur, adjusted upon various bludgeoned stones, gives an aesthetic feeling of "how a black, rusty, grey, coarsely cemented coloured stones are as it is given a pitch of white, how extra ordinary it is looking, how it is enhancing each other's existence, through contradiction(Derrida: Binary oppositions{black and white}). In such situation only one is realizing how extra ordinary one is. So we may conclude here that some are mere a source of stimulation and we should know how to use and when to use that, not to degrade others(they can also make path on their own) but to better our existence on Earth. So that it will make space for us as well as for others.

How the tides, came from various sides and from all sides, intertwining at one place, flowing with thrush at a particular place. Continuously flowing and flowing, without countenance, and any record of measurement..

How the remnants, in bottom of the sea, called sediments or ironed tiny pieces of stones are assimilated, converted into powder form, and used to make a new reddish colour and as it is one of the sources of food nutrients, it can be seen through literary point of view as a rich sediment that contribute in creating rich iron corpse.

How when the colour of sky suddenly changes in rainbow colour and the rain pours, which seems to be pouring, through different colours.

"How the art of nature is". It is unseen, we only got to know how it is, we don't know how it is made, who is the creator. Generally it is said, "God is the creator". But when we ourselves experience, it seems to be somewhat different as when anything existing in nature is touched by a human, it gives thrilling and sensitive effect and a human is becoming more curious to know, why it is so? He/She indulge himself/herself more in it as it is contributing in shaping him/her and for the nature one can't know. While we see at surface level, then it seems to be based on "doing and reacting" how positively you will respond to it, it will be in similar manner reciprocate you or it would be otherwise. As we are confronting today, the dire consequences of industrialism. With the advent of coronavirus it was said: "That in absence of such humanbeings, animals and nature are free to grow and develop on their own, while until now these weren't allowed to as they were suppressed and exploited with the respective hands of some humanbeings.

Thus the nature and the human tendency is based on interdependancy, act and react, the spirituality and philosophy of nature is something, which one needs to experience by being in nature. The philosophy of nature denotes the working and functioning of nature, regarding it with ethics. While spirituality elaborate on how the positive aspect of nature, when combined with appropriate and amiable nature of humanbeing, contributes in  new creation. Which requires the assimilation of both; philosophy as well as spirituality.

Works Cited/References

Goldsworthy, Andy., "A Film Documentary: Rivers and Tides working with time in two parts", Directed by Thomas Reidelsheimer, 2001 &2003.

Hemingway, Ernest., "Novel: the oldman and the sea", 1951-52.

Woolf, Virginia., "Modern Novel: To the lighthouse", 5 May 1927.

Eliot, Thomas, Stearns., "Modern Novel: The Wasteland", 1932.


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