29 Sept 2020


An introduction to a creativity arena

As we are tasked to share our thoughts through our creativity, in any form; poetry or short story. Which is most suitable to us.

I'm trying my hand in short story and through short story, I'm expected to present suppressed thoughts, those are remaining in unconscious minds as said by William Freud as well as by Carl Jung.

Let's see, how it can be accomplished.

    Opening A Never Opened Lid    

Nareli, an 18year old girl, with well built personality, seems to be strong but delicate inside, fair, attractive look, imbibed with a good culture.

How it is when in early morning you're awakening, you're dull, with empty eye, just trying to get through your proper senses.

Trying to see the world through your eyes, you're more curious and having an inclination to dig deep into the happenings, surrounding you.

But then suddenly, you're faced with unexpected arrival and that is, as you're a delicate piece of glass, you have to fit in this requiring designed frame. 

The idea of fitting in was normalized, but with better explaination of your own well-being and it was approved by..

Some unusual, unwelcomed and unknown forces are unusual, don't know from where these come, how these come....It seems as one after another black shadows are tumbling down on each other, with due force and determination, to impel other convince and situate, in their made structures..

Gradually you will succumbed to the created boggy and there isn't another chance for coming out rather than plunging into it and coming out as victorious..

And that will give you a new transformation of purgated self. Who was till now in unknown stretching, ceasing, seeing, experiencing and asking herself, whether it is wrong or right and what should be the reaction? To give and instant response or need to consult to conscience and then to liquidate it likewise..

When encountered with, you yourself isn't knowing, for what you're fighting is insignificant in nature. It will only give you temporal happiness, for want of perennial happiness, you have to continuously self-extinct yourself, by checking on your own actions.

How cleansed you have made yourself! A persona moving like an air, downwards to upward, what is broadening from bottom, is narrowed from upwards, observing closely seems to be mere an occasional deital light!! These small pieces are sources, that enlivens you, sometimes you think to touch it, but proved to be intangible; can give you feeling of something existing, actually exactly what, can't be deciphered.

A Persona

Who stood like a rock, seems like a rock, but when tried to wrought..

Unusual, unbelievable, discomforting and surprising!!!

Lengthened, distorted, dust-like pieces..

Seems to be mere ashes!!

Inclined to one after another minute, dissolving particles,

As magnet forces two separated to be one...

It bombarded uncountable to be scattered on their chosen lines,

Don't know from where a halo emerged out, glistened and weaved all into one..

Transformed into a triumphant crown!

Thank you😊

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