21 Feb 2021

Elt-2: Teaching Language through Literature

 When getting to teaching English through literature, the elements, interwoven aspects, factors, perspectives, reflections as well as refractions are as such that will make a learner, unconcerned of belonging to which faculty, learn. As in a way, all happenings, surfaced in literature are directly or indirectly connected with the society in which we live. The society of everyday life; an atmosphere, its connection with people, people surrounded with several circumstances for living life etc.

As TEACHING ENGLISH THROUGH LITERATURE comprises many ways, for imparting English Langauge Learning to students, primary we're concerned with how to design tasks so that they can read, imbibe and learn poems, novels, plays, films etc.

The method to impart language teaching that is literature, here concerned with English language, that stimulates learner's autonomy by indicating teacher isn't the fount of knowledge, this leads them to interact with text creatively, not concerning about the author but the text and in this way the text is open for interpretation. 

As it is opened for interpretation, it enhances evaluative and critical skills that can help later on in developing tertiary like advance level language skills. It makes one curious for knowing what is going to happen next, it provides cultural variability along with genre classification.

How to make learn language through novel

Using beginnings and endings


Developing personality through role plays of highlighted characters

Altering endings

Lateral Thinking 

Developing Comparative and Critical Skills

Research Resources


I-Gap Activities

How to make learn language through poem

How to impart language through videos/films and what are the roles of teacher as well as learner/student.

1 comment:

jeya sofia said...

Great Post with valuable information. I am glad that I have visited this site. Share more updates.
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