16 Aug 2019

Metaphysical poetry : John Donne

Expert Lecture,
On "Metaphysical Poetry/Poets",
By R.K Mandaliya Sir,
16th August, 2019.

Held in English Department,
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University,
Organized by Dr. Dilip Barad (Sir).

As today was our first day, to get opportunity to listen Mandaliya sir, First he made clear "The Concept Of Metaphysical Poetry", By whom the term was coined, who is its pioneer and the pioneer's followers, What are the features  and its reasons in detail.

John Donne was the pioneer of "The Metaphysical Poetry", the term was coined by Samuel Johnson in his collection of 'most eminent poets's biography' named "The Lives".
How John Donne and his successors poetry style was differing from their predecessors, as their poems were based on day to day life experience, and they weren't the scholars(e.g.   Shakespeare, Dr. Philip Sydney, Christopher Marlowe, Spenser and many others, existing in Elizabethan age) While the group of 17th century poets, differing in this manner, they were scholars and learned men, as they had received education and were literate, while the formers were lacking in(with the arrival of printing press, there were a number of coffee houses and hubs, where people used to disseminate information, by sharing, arguing and discussing) and as they were literate, It seems as they had much pride for their information. The knowledge came to them that, as they know something new and something much more than their predecessors, they can create poetry in a new from with new style{which was trial to finger and not to ear(not rythmic)}. So literally in this respect, It was somewhat practical but not delightful. As It wasn't delightful, It loosens its beauty in a very short time, welcoming the other form or style to situate in its place. The same is the reason, for which "Dr. Samuel Johnson(A poet and literary critic) criticized this style.

As It is said, " Characteristics of a particular age or era is reflected in the style of writing of various writers". So It seems here that the writing style was emotionless, superficial, formal, with the purpose to gain attention of people, sophisticated, and can be said adorned with over imagination. As It wasn't rythmic, It lacks in delight. But gradually It gained appraisal and appreciation also.

Furthermore, he also make us understood that  'John Donne's successors were used to experiment in their poetry, far-fetched images, like Geometrical, Agricultural, Mechanical Engineering, Astronomical, Chemistry, Ecclesiastical structure etc'.

For Example:

"The Rising Sun" written by John Donne, based on 'Metaphysical Style'. Where far-fetched images were used like Sun(from Astronomy), Wealth{from chemistry(gold)}, Geometry(the Sun, concerning its shape here), etc..

Analysis of "The Rising Sun" poem:

The descriptor of the situation, here the lover as a descriptor and also the appreciator of his beloved.

The writer doesn't want that the sun should peep in their bedroom, through his window or curtain, He is duely concerned with privacy, he doesn't want anyone to disturb him, while his beloved  accompanying him or they make love. 

He says that, here it doesn't necessitate, while you are needed where 'the school children are getting late', 'the apprentices, assigned for work', 'Courtiers and Officers of the Kingdom' and 'the farm labourers' are. So don't come here, otherwise he would make it eclipsed and it would become a dark spot and won't be able to shine. He has his own ideal concept of time, which is never going to end, while concerning moments, seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years, "as the rags of time". His love doesn't have any concern with climate or seasons, and not giving importance to wealth, considering his beloved as his Empire and he himself as her King and the other kingdoms, all over the world imitating their manner of loving each other.

Here we are to see 'the irritation or contemplating nature of the poet, which makes him over possessive of his beloved, considering each and everything sorrounding them, insignificant, given over importance to his beloved. Which also seems concerning reality, Overimagination of the poet, and irrelevancy as The Sun doesn't have any concern with their love, to make it dull or to intentionally give it prosperity, It works according to its natural cycle and so the time(occurence of day and night) as well as climate and seasons have their own roles to play. It also suggests that love is more important than nature, while love and nature is interconnected, love flourishes in the lap of nature. As a plant by watering grows, so the love increases day by day with natural influences, which smokes out in the form of feelings and emotions and as feelings and emotions increase, love keeps on flourishing, but when the love is true.

Source: Mandaliya Sir's 1st lecture on "The Metaphysical Poets".

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