16 Aug 2019

Political/Societal/Religious-post truth used in vivid context

Sunday Reading,
Assigned by Dr. Dilip Barad (Sir),
21 July, 2019.

As our sir is very much active, in his day to day life course, and as he is such, obviously he was expecting from his students, not in everything but in some respects to be like him, so concerning our benefits and our future, he is always eager, and looking forward to assign us various tasks, So that we may have mental flexibility, by stressing our brains on various tasks, given by sir.

Comprehension on post-truth word, its examples and my views on it are mentioned below:


Post-Truth is said to have influence in past scenario, which it looses subsequently. It can be presented either in positive or negative scenario as per the time's demand, likewise It keeps on modifying in various designed frames.

Accordingly we can classify it into various categories:

-Politically said Post-Truth, can be considered as "manipulative, modified, hypocratic,hypnotizing truth"

-Socially told can be chiefly called blatant lies, as suggested by "Kathleen Higgins" and in simplified manner, It can be called "Fabricated truth" or "man/woman made truth", However women are very much advanced in this pace.

-It can be suggestive, defending, comtemplating etc.

Examples of Post-Truth:

-Demonatisation in India(2016)
-Britian left the European union(2016)
-45th triumph of Donald Trump

By practically implicating an example also, we can justify the idea of Post-Truth.

Hence It can be examined in various context.🙏❤🤝

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