13 Oct 2019

Paper no:3:literary criticism

Literary criticism/western poetics

A warm welcome to all

Samiya y kagdi
Roll No : 32
Semester : 1(1st year)
Assignment topic : Detailed analysis of “Aristotle's poetics".
Submitted to : S. B. Gardi, department of English{Dilip Barad(Sir)}, MKBU university.

Detailed analysis on “Aristotle's poetics:

Abstract: To see how Aristotle's point of views on poetics, sharply contrasting with Plato. How systematically he has tried to integrate our day to day life with imagination & realism and how the exact depicted image needs to be modified according to the the represented scene and how minutely he has observed to develop a poetry, tragedy and epic to its directing phycology, and if it is misdirected how it will loose its charm and mar the interest of the readers.

Keywords : Aristotle vs. Plato, poetics, imagination(aestheticism), realism(moralism), modification, observing power, psycology.

Introduction: Aristotle's poetics was produced in (4th century). Where he has put forward nature of poetry:poetic inspiration:nature of poetry. With the help of art's various forms, he had acquainted the readers with some terms, by which one can identify the forms. Moreover he has also describe “the nature&function of tragedy" and how it is integrated with catharsis, which also has various types of feelings&emotions.

Aristotle consents with his master(plato) that the poet is an imitator of creative art. He says imitation is based on three things.

Things as they are/were.
Things as thought/said to be.
Things as they ought to be.

He has compared this innate tendency of imitation with child that for them it is a pleasurable process. Similarly it is seen in poet, when he/she tries to generate a new poetry, with help of any object.

Imagination is connected with innocence, can be said “a premature state of the poet".

Then he denies on Plato's saying that imitation is twice removed from reality. In its defense he tries to compare history with poetry and he says “poetry and history don't differ from its medium but the difference is ‘the history says “what has happened” while the poetry says “what is ought to happen”. That is the ideal state and it has philosophically and universally influence than history.

Concerning its function, Plato says it makes people emotional/too sentimental and weaker. While he says in his defense that it gives “a cathartic effect" to people's emotions and feelings and so it helps people to rinse out from that particular trauma. He also says that “it doesn’t divorce people from morality, as its duty is to serve pleasure to people, it is similarly abided to provide moral lessons(to which Plato is denying).

To identify the various forms of art like tragedy, comedy and epic. Object should be its imitation (life of great or mean people is imitated) and which becomes responsible for creating any work of art. He says for epic character should be belonging to heroic scale(tragedy & epic)while for mean people it is shallow and superficial(comedy). Besides it also requires modification when comes in the hand of the creator.
Concerning medium any art can be represented either in images/words. Tragedy presented in words had denotative connotative, verse and music. While picture differs of forms and colours.

Coming to manner it differs from its mode of manner of representation, either in narration or in action.

Brief introduction to the nature & function of tragedy:
He first gives the definition of tragedy. That comprises ‘imitation of action' which is complete, serious and of certain magnitude, further he elaborated three aforementioned aspects in detail.
It is also embellished with each kind of artistic ornament(can be seen in figure of speech, meter/rhyme). While tragedy & epic has the essential difference that can be seen in respects of action not in narrative.

Coming to its function, through effecting pity & fear catharsis happens. Which should be moderated&tempered(other words for catharsis) and in its equilibrium it provides aesthetic delight that is combined with pity&fear and named as tragic feeling and tragic delight.

Hence we can literally see that how consequently he has put every problem with its appropriate solution. Perhaps considering Plato he would have gone astray of his path as he thought narrowly of each and every aspects of tragedy while here Aristotle by being denying also gives a light touch to his perspective and tried his best to develop those things in positive sense.

To study in detail you can refer to the below mentioned link :

D. Barad, (4th january, 2013), https://dilipbarad.blogspot.com/2013/01/ma-english-study-material-reading.html,1 sem-1:paper name : literary criticism & western poetics-1:Aristotle's poetics: questions & answers(translated by S.H. Butcher & Ingram Bywater) range of pages : 1-16.

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