9 Jan 2020

Questionnaire - Derrida - Deconstruction

A very warm welcome to all!

Let's see how "Derrida" has put forward his ideas on "deconstruction" how he has taken the task to "inquire into the conditions and causes of western philosophy/intellectual system", how he has given some possible reasons of those things and how "is that thin line" on which the speaker(Sachin Ketkar Sir) is as well as "Derrida" emphasizing on.
   Assigned by Dilip Barad(sir)

Task based on flipped learning system, to know more about the procedure, click on the below link.


Video-1 : Defining Deconstruction

1. If the conditions, which produced "Philosophical system" are responsible for its production, then how it can be limited?(3:55)

As the speaker(Sachin sir says): that "the conditions which produce a Philosophical system  are the same conditions, which are putting a limit(and he says it is abstract).

3. How "force" is to be limited?

As "Differance" suggests "force" which can be differentiated between "word" and "meaning" but it becomes postponed that can be understood. 

4. Does "Intellectualism" has  connection with conflict(opposite binaries)?

Video - 2: Heideggar and Derrida(influence of Derrida)

1. What can be the predictable reasons of the "westerners" that they were refusing to look to the mode of their existence?
(As emphasised by Heideggar the very phrase "being of beings")

(As it says: "western philosophy refuses to look to the mode of their existence)

2. As the language is affiliated with "logocentricism" then how "Derrida" decentered language from man?

3. Was "Derrida's intention" that language should be in "written form", suggestive to "record the history" of western philosopy?

4. What "Derrida" was suggesting to "Heideggar" by emphasizing on below mentioned statement?

(As the statement says: Addressing Heideggar "that you should also look at language as "phonocentricism" rather than  in "writing form" as the tendency was prevailing at that time)

Video - 3 : Saussure & Derrida

1.  What does the following statement is suggestive of?
(As the proposition says: it is by consensus that word and meaning gets connected)

2. What does this statement mean "the connection isn't consciously or unconsciously conveyed but in between, with the exception of sensibility?
(Derrida reads and deconstruct the aforementioned idea by saying that : usually thought of as something in our mind).

3. If "Western Philosophy" is mere a "Philosophy" then it must be "God centric", then how it is affiliated with "binary oppositions"?
(As Derrida says: "Wester Philosophy is built on the differences, binary oppositions)

Video - 4:  Differance(to differ+defer=differance)

1. Doesn't it seem that if Derrida had tried to see this in its exact context, perhaps what is the thin line, was shown, but seems as by trying to postpone, he had attempted to conceal the idea?

2. Was it that "that time the education system was under influence of metaphysics"?
(Need to refer some bits of first four videos)

3. Is it that "illusion indicates supposition"?
(As the statement says : There is no final meaning to any word, one word leads to another one, and subsequently it goes on in similar manner[if we stop is because of illusion we have understood])

Video - 5: Structure, Sign & play

1. Does  It mean that whatever a critic is critiquing, he is under influence of it and one can't come out of it?
(As the statement says : According to Derrida, why it happens is because of language, because in language there is always this lack, because the ultimate meaning is always deferred)

2. What does this statement mean "the absence of the transcendental signified extends the domain and the play of signification infinitely"?

(The linking statement is : For Derrida it was necessary...[5:23])

Video - 6: Yale School(school of thought)

Talking with the reference of second characteristics of Yale school (formalism and aesthetic delight).
1. If a "literary text" is read with "transparency to meaning" then won't it be able to provide "aesthetic delight"?

Video - 7: Other  Schools and Deconstruction

1. What do you think, what are the probable tools of "Deconstruction" that provides subversion of  all underlying corrupted tendency?

Hence if anyone knows, the answers to these respective questions, can drop their reverent ideas, it would be warmly welcomed and would be helpful to ponder upon.

Samiya Kagdi
A learner at PG center
Department of English

References/Works Cited

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