19 Jan 2021

ELT-2: Multimedia Package(CALL)

This blog is based on CALL aspect. That doesn't focus on technicality of hardware and software but pedagogical aspect, how through interactive tools(2.0) English language teaching is imparted.

Let's see a glimpse of CALL.

As the very multimedia material is based on CALL aspect, it comprises three phases of CALL: Behaviouristic, Communicative and Integrative. All the phases are interwoven with one another. Where Behaviouristic phase being prominent, conceived in 1950s, implemented in 1960s and 1970s, while Communicative phase emerged as a response to behaviouristic aspect of CALL, which postulates that the prior didn't serve anything of authentic value. Subsequently the last phase goes, with different novelty.

Basing on this approach, I have embedded here 8 videos, displayed on youtube channel, where all the performances, did during presentation season-3 and virtual literary festival, 2020 are presented and through this some message is imparted.

Thank you.

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