22 Apr 2020

4: A-Survey-on-Views-of-Marriage-associating-with-Romantic-Victorian-Era

Welcome Readers!
Since from the anciency
you trapped the Innocency,
In the cage of marriage.

Giving the name of social/cultural institution;
You spreaded your virus,
Through Rome, tribes also recorded in the Bible.
How is your very nature?

To trap any creature!
But given freedom to non-sensical feathers..
From time to time you brought a few new versions of marriage,
Unconcerned for the outcomes;

Whether monogamy, polygamy or multituant gamy concept!
Why didn't you think of an alteration;
Retaining your very term,
But transiting your very nature;
And see how with constant practice,
It is furthering from generation to generation
Tell me whether to be proud of ?
Curse to your instinction?

As a result people gain freedom to their very restriction;
Don't know altogether an inclusion of liberantain and homosexual,
But still waiting for an upgraded version...

To be continued...


With reference to Victorian Era & Romantic Era if we look into the views on marriage, concerning two novels subsequently; Sense & Sensibility(pub. In three volumes, 1811) by Jane Austen and Middlemarch(Pub. In Eight installment from 1871-1872), we will find in the former novel, only the influence of love & marriage, seems as a woman / girl's only purpose on Earth is to get marry, have children and then the family. While in the latter novel, we will see contradiction in marriage, and between couple's ideals and those ideals become the major reason for conflict in marriage. Moreover where there is submission, the marriage gets on very well(marriage of Celia and Mr. Chattam).

Let's see how since ancient times, it is prevailing, how from time to time the aspect keeps on changing, to what extent it has influenced the people and at present time what is actually the need of people, marriage, love, mutual understandingor something else..

As the above mentioned video speaks about the history of marriage, started from Rome, later on practiced by Chinese and Tribal people. But how from time to time it changes its values and goals.
I had carried on a survey on the marriage, and tried to know, vivid views of the people regarding marriage.

A screenshot of survey

Where I found that most of the people like to remain single than getting married or going on with love marriage. Then love marriage was also given down rating by the people.

If we try to see the same thing in context of the novel called Sense & Sensibility, we're to see that the novel describes the romantic relationships of both; Elinor and Marianne.

One, who represents "sensibility" by being passionate and emotional is dragged into an unending stream of emotionality while the another one, representing "sense" by being practical, prudent who always spoke after giving any thought a moderation and believes in resignation and acceptance rather than ignorance.
In both the cases, involvement of love is seen and it is this step, which will gradually lead to get marry to their respective beloved ones.

Though we have seen that Marianne talks about her love for (Shakespaere's poetry, music and dance) but all in all it can only be seen as the novel representing the romance happening among Marianne & Willoughby / Colonel Brandon and Elinor & Edward Ferrars, how they're behind making their lovestory successful and ultimately which leads to the climax of marriage.
Which seemed to be related with interdependancy rather than living life with free will.

Furthermore the aspect of "arrange marriage is also seen" regarding Fanny, her mother and her preference of selecting bride, who must have a huge sum of money / material things to carry as a dowry for her in-laws and husband. Otherwise the girl won't get preference.
While in Middlemarch we see the idealism behind marriage (concerning Dorothea), submission in terms of marriage between Celia & Mr. Chettam and ambition(idealism also can be said here) considering Lydgate.

Seems as the relation of marriage is already being built on expectation, concerning Dorothea, a glimpse also can be seen in Rosemary (Lydgate's wife) and yes the last one, in Celia's case as she believes in domestication, she can easily adjust with her husband with submission as is somewhat materialistic in view, so what a husband wants? To engage his wife, where she wants herself to.
In my survey a question was asked and that was: "what is marriage"?  I got variety of answers that it is mere a social construction / custom, and involvement of two families(arrange marriage) or a bonding between the two.

A screenshot of marriage survey

Other was about 497 section, which speaks about "the decriminlization of adultery". Some of the answers which I got from this survey was, it is fine, some says man is targeted of being unfaithful to his wife or gives both the partners freedom. Then a question arises that then what is the use of getting marry? Why not to then remain single and live life teeming... Because marriage is something which is based on faithfulness, yes who're not having problems in their lives / in marriage lives, why not to sit aside and solve the problem, with mutual understanding rather than peeping outside.

Seems as "Tu nahi toa koi aur sahi"..

A question on "liberantain aspect was also asked". Some had agreed upon, some denied and some were in between.
"Being liberal" is nice in life but in relationship though not on the part of the duo, who are involved in relationship, but the outsiders may be having many doubtful questions regarding the nature of that very relationship. Which proved to be the contamination for that relationship, where one's faithfulness, love involvement and fidelity would never be counted. The calculation will only be done of the manner of that relationship.

Also talked about "Vasudev Kutumbkam ideology" where some were telling that they still follow, some were in between, some didn't bother about it at all.
It seems as "marrige system" is something which is only concerning reproduction and social bondage nothing else. Though the thing has changed and still evolving in contemporary times but it seems as the social norms and values were only enforced on women rather than on men or having the idea of equal distribution between the two.

Hence now the tendency and the concept of marriage is able to achieve transparency where people are free to think about their lives on their own, an applausive hand of education is behind this free will. Otherwise it wouldn't have been made as such as due to education people got awareness and accordingly they learn to see the socio-cultural differences and gradually of economy, regarding men & women relationships and as per the tendency it has its reflection on society as well as on people.

S. Y. Kagdi
A Learner at PG center
Department of English 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A nice survey! I would lead towards a good research...


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